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Photos by Peter Bigwood

In 2001 some new construction work began to began at Skelton. 

The first three photos show the base of a new mast with the next section clearly seen waiting to go up.

Above: the new mast under construction with one of the new anchor blocks in the foreground.

It is a three sided mast with three sets of guys but there are at least 6 of these anchor blocks around the mast.

Below: a close-up of one of the blocks.

A return visit in Summer 2002 showed the new mast in all its glory.

Note how tall the completed mast is, compared with the existing HF towers.

The mast is actually around 365m (1200ft) high but the size and spread of the capacitance 'top hat' (shown in the surreally enhanced photo, left) will have  the effect of making it perform as if it were much taller. 
The shots of the base give some indication that the mast will be capable of transmitting a high power at low - or very low - frequency.

One of the top wire anchors showing a simple earthing strap:

This press release was issued by Merlin in June 2000 | For more information see the M.O.D. site here

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PMC Bitstream Sounds On

  mb21 by Mike Brown


Hosted in the UK by AstroHosts